Sunday, August 17, 2008


This post is preaching to the choir. They're nodding in agreement. They're the choir.

Can I get a Hallelujah? Vigorous clapping rocks.


Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Usually nature inspires me the most.

Erin Maher said...

I agree with you Sheri. Sometimes the best thing to do when stuck in a rut with no motivation is to get away. Nature kind of separates you from trivial things, and you can just breathe for a bit.

Thanks for the comment!

millar prescott said...

I've noticed that people who offer positive feedback are brilliant geniuses. Negative feedback almost always is from idiots.

Erin Maher said...

Yeah, negative feedback rarely makes sense but some people see it as a challenge to prove themselves. My favorite is constructive feedback.

Corey Dekker said...

written on the date of my birth, and yet no mention of this momentous event!

I'm new to this blog, but will - rest assured - follow it closely from now on.

I miss you erin!