Monday, September 29, 2008

3 Reasons To Stock Up On Blog Posts.

This post is losing in a debate.

(Quick, start being a Maverick)


millar prescott said...

I really need to get on to something like that, although I must say I find I really don't have too much to say. Let me correct that - I do have a lot to say but my inner critic always, always butts in with, "Who the hell do you think you are. What makes you think anyone wants to read what you have to say."

I am currently taking an online writing class at UCLA so we'll see if that will help to silence the critic in me.

Erin Maher said...

Yeah, I feel like that too sometimes. But I think with so many people on the internet, there's bound to be a few who are interested in the same things as me. So, even if one person doesn't want to read what I have to say, then there's bound to be at least one who does.

If all else fails, I'll just teach my Mom to use a computer, and then I'll always have one fan.

Thanks for the comment, good luck with your writing class!

millar prescott said...

Well I subscribe to and read your blog with interest.

Unknown said...

I also schedule blog posts. It is great. The only disadvantage is if I get a lot of comments on a post and wants to expand the subject or if any event appears in the world that I would like to mention. Then there is more work if I don't want to have two blog entries on the same day, that is.

I also try to have a theme for some days (as it is now it is only Saturdays). Then I can work on that theme and get blogposts a few weeks ahead.

Erin Maher said...

Thanks Millar!

@ Desiree: That's a good idea. I've noticed a few people doing that, too. Like link-love Sundays, and Frugal Fridays. I think I might incorporate that in as well, it will just take me deciding what to make the common theme! :)