Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Defeating the Procrastination Beasts

This post is in a meeting.

Her people will get back to your people.


Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

That's quite a dream! Could make a fascinating book for children! Very tense and yet comical. Maybe the dream doesn't mean anything at all - just an idea for a crazy book... a mouse with a broken jaw and a store that won't take cash - who wouldn't want to read about that!

Procrastination? Never heard of it. I have too many dishes to do and laundry to fold before I can write...

Erin Maher said...

Yeah, I know, my dreams are always strange.

At least dishes and laundry are good things to get done Sheri. I procrastinate those things as well! But I suppose if I had children I'd have to be more on top of that business.