Friday, October 3, 2008

Attract and Retain Readers Using Images.

This post is too sexy for his shirt, his cat AND his pants.

He's busy ... rawr ...


Unknown said...

I have an image at the top of most of my blog posts.

I am very careful to only use images that I have the right to use. I can't expect people to respect my work if I don't respect others.

My biggest source is Wipikedia Commons. That place is great.

When I pick an image I try to find something that complement the text in a little odd way.

Lately I also try to keep a certain style on the images to keep a specific look on the blog, but I'm still experimenting.

Erin Maher said...

I totally have to start respecting image rights. I always just jump at whichever one I like best.

The other thing I'm confused about is how to include more than one image in the same post, with blogger anyways. I guess it mostly is about experimenting, trial and error.

Thanks for the Wikipedia Commons tip! :)

Unknown said...

Wikipedia, yes. Interesting way I spelled it :-)

Most people use whatever image is at hand and to a certain point I think that is okay. If someone took a picture of just any bucket and I need an image of a bucket...

But if there is an artistic mind behind the photo, if the intention with the photo is to show skill, if you understand what I mean, then I try to show respect to the artist.

Once or twice I have sent an e-mail to the artist and asked for permission and it's never been any problem.

But I have begin to add the credits at the bottom instead of right under the photo, because otherwise the first text shown in RSS and such are the description of the photo.